Hollywood’s Own Laura and Mike Got Married Today!

Mike and Laura worked with me to created a beautiful and unique Journeys of the Heart ceremony which included a blessing and presentation of a St. Nicholas metal to Laura’s son, Kevin, by his new step-Dad, Mike. (Laura told me that St. Nicholas is the patron saint of boys. I never knew that but certainly agree that boys need all the protection they can possibly get!)
Mike escorted his mom to her seat before taking his place beside me. As soon as he did, all the pre-ceremony tension seemed to drain out of him. He was relaxed and smiling. Kevin came down the aisle with the flower girls and when he went to the end of the row of guys, Mike called him over to stand next to him. Kevin was helpful during the ceremony in holding the microphone for me when I had to turn the page of the book.
Laura was escorted by her dad, John. She wore a beautiful strapless gown that had just enough embellishment to look spectacular but not so much as to be gaudy. She wore a crystal tiara with a veil attached. She had her blonde hair done in soft ringlets. She looked perfectly beautiful.
Laura’s cousin, Melissa, read The Prayer of St. Francis and Mike’s godmother, Jean, read from the epistle of Paul to the Corinthians that describes the attributes of love: Love is patient, love is kind …
I created a personal love story which I read to the delight of the guests. Every love story is as unique as every couple is, but Laura and Mike are the first ones I’ve married who were introduced by one of their parents. Mike’s mom worked with Laura and really wanted them to meet. I thought it was excellent that his mom recognized a wonderful young woman for her son and that he trusted his mom enough to consent to meet her. As I said in the ceremony, how many moms get to introduce their child to such a wonderful partner and then to have it have such a happy outcome? Not many, for sure.
Mike and Laura shared a cup of wine, received the blessings of their guests, exchange the vows and rings and tenderly kissed.
The ceremony ended with this blessing:
Michael and Laura,
May God go before you on this, your wedding day
To clear a safe passage when your feet are unsteady
To uphold the bonds of love among families and friends
To keep your married love growing ever stronger with the passage of time
To strengthen and hold you when the storms of life would bruise you
And to return you, at the end of each day, to the arms of this one
Who is your love and your home.
Tomorrow the Schlagnhaufers are off to Las Vegas for their honeymoon. Every blessing to you, Michael, Laura and your dear son, Kevin. Be happy. Live long.